Thursday, September 30, 2010


Well, we are still living! I have received many requests for me to start blogging again. So here I am. I can't promise that this will be a lasting thing, but I am sure going to try to keep up with blogging this time!
Lots has happened since I blogged last. Allie has started preschool. I cannot believe it. She is my big girl and after a little rough patch the last two weeks of not wanting to go she has bounced right back into loving it. She has learned so much and I am so pleased with her teachers and our whole school experience in general!

I have baby #3 on the way. I am so incredibly excited. We were able to see the heartbeat on a sonogram yesterday which eases my mind a great deal. Seeing the little buger on the screen yesterday just made it super real to me. Sometimes I cannot believe that we are doing this all over again, but all in all I think we are ready, and I think our family will be final come May! When I first found out I was expecting I was like "ok I am not eating anything junky and am only gaining 20 pounds this go round." HA HA! I just got done gourging my face with Chinese food. I am starving all of the time and am going to enjoy what is probably my last pregnancy experience!!

Well, join me in the future for daily happenings around the Hataway household.


Brittany said...

That is the cutest baby picture I have ever seen : )

Love you!

Tara said...

Yay! I'm so glad your back! And congratulations to you and the family on baby #3.

His Mercy Endureth Forever said...

Oh my goodness! Congratulations. We're so excited for you all and will pray for a healthy pregnancy.

Amanda said...

I almost passed out when I saw on Tara's blog roll that the Hataway Home had been updated 5 days ago instead of 10 months ago.......