Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My New Statefarm Commercials

You know that place where that second cup of coffee is no longer an option but a could say I'm there!

You know that place where you try to sneak in three sips of coffee before having to meet one of your child's could say I'm there!

You know that place where trying to get a catnap while both of your children are asleep always trumps folding the pile of could say I'm there!

You know that place where you have to pinch yourself at the end of every day because you just can't believe you are as blessed as you could say I'm there!

Look who found the Christmas bows! Awe, who cares, let her play with em!

Bathtime isn't so bad anymore. Just make sure he's fed and happy!


Dianne said...

Little Darlin,

The territory is awful familiar. Try a POT of coffee! I had four little ones running around at once.

My first two I went by the BOOK. Seriously. Benjamin Spock book. I'm ashamed to admit now. The second "set", Porge and Nick, I relaxed and enjoyed the ride. Beautiful difference.

Loved Allie in her Christmas-ey decor. Ain't it fun to be with children. What creative little critters they are. We could learn a few things. Little Man looks so BIG in that bath seat. He's wide awake and observing his new world.

Love you'ns,

the ladner family said...

he is so big already! and a big thumbs up to you for getting them to sleep at the same time