Saturday, May 10, 2008

My Friends

Yesterday was a bittersweet day. I woke up to some upsetting news about one of my dearest friends' little boy. He may have a fatal illness that is incurable. When I discovered this, I cried and cried, and cried some more. My heart literally aches for my dear friend. She has been a part of some of the most important days in my life, including my wedding, and I love her and her family so much! This news made me hug Allie a little bit tighter and pray for Joshua a little bit harder! But it seems that the Lord knew just what I needed to cheer me up a little bit. I FINALLY got to see another one of my dearest friends Amanda and her precious twins that were born about six months ago. I saw them when they were first born, weighing in at about four pounds a piece. BOY HAVE THEY CHANGED. They are absolutely adorable!! They will both just steal your heart with their little smiles. They seem to be such happy babies and they are so healthy and growing beautifully!! Amanda, you have done such a wonderful job with them and you will never know what it meant for me to see you yesterday!!! The next time I see you though, one of your twins may turn up missing! I might just have to take one home with me:)


Amanda said...

Dana, you will never know how much good it did ME to see you Friday! And it was so great to see one of my dearest friends holding my little angels! Y'all have to come during the summer like we talked. We miss yours and Michaels "right around the cornor" friendship desperatly.
Love ya girl.

Amanda said...

I meant "corner" :)