Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Another Update!

Well, looks like we are going to meet Joshua a little sooner than expected. My blood pressure was up even more during this morning's doctor's visit. My doctor has decided to do the c-section tomorrow to prevent preeclampsia. They did a stress test on Joshua and he is doing wonderfully. WOW! I can't believe it. Please Please Please pray for me and Joshua that all will go well and we will both be healthy after delivery!!!!


Amber said...

NO WAY!! How cool is that?! I will be praying for you and Joshua tomorrow. Hope the day is so wonderful!! Can't wait to see that precious boy of your's.

Dianne said...

Okay, so you didn't allow Joshua to be born on my birthday...the 20th. That's okay. It's close enough. I'll remember his entry.

I'll pray that everything goes well and cannot wait to see the little boy.

We love you truly, Little Sister.

the ladner family said...

i will be praying that everything goes well!

His Mercy Endureth Forever said...

Oh we're so excited for you. Can't wait to see pictures. You and Joshua will be in our prayers!