Monday, August 25, 2008

Look How Big!

I absolutely could not believe how big Allie looked to me after Joshua was born. She was my tiny little girl before, and now all of a sudden she looks like a toddler that is growing up way too fast! She does get more beautiful with every day, and a little more sassy too! I have to say though that she is one of the sweetest toddlers in the world and anyone who knows her would have to agree! I love this little dumplin!


Sis. Gail from Camp Creek said...

Hi, Dana, Allie is so beautiful in these pictures. I remember when I had Matt that Dawn looked so big when I saw her. Your little Joshua is gorgeous. He looks like his daddy to me. Thanks for all the pictures you have put online for all of us to see and enjoy. Cherish each and every minute you have with your children because they grow up so fast. I can't wait to see Joshua in person. I love you all, Sis. Gail

Amber said...

Oh my word, she is so growny in that first picture. Gosh, when DID that happen? LOVE the video of Joshua!!

Amanda said...

Oh my she is SO beautiful. Please don't let her get any bigger! I loved the video of Joshua so keep 'em coming! Can't wait to see him in person.
Love y'all